JSA of LIS Midwinter Meeting March 9 2019 at Larchmont YC
Share junior sailing program management ideas at the JSA of LIS Midwinter Meeting on Saturday March 9 at Larchmont Yacht Club. A printable agenda may be viewed here.
– Doors open at 0815 with coffee/tea and bagels.
– The meeting from 0845 to 1230 is free to all who register in advance.
– Register online at this link with names of the morning attendees from your club, and list those who will stay for an optional lunch after the meeting (prepaid: $25 for JSA members or $30 non-JSA attendees; $5 more if paid at meeting on Saturday).

At the JSA Midwinter Meeting, the people you share ideas with during breaks is one of the important benefits of attending.
PICTURE >>RIGHT At the JSA Midwinter Meeting, the people you share ideas with during breaks is one of the important benefits of attending
A short introduction about JSA business will be followed by junior sailing program presentations, including these examples:
– Takeaways from the recent US Sailing National Sailing Programs Symposium
– US Sailing’s STEM curriculum called “Reach” helps keep kids engaged on no-wind or rainy days. (US Sailing has provided a gift certificate for an instructor training course that will be raffled to a JSA member sailing program present at meeting).
– Safety & training for sailing organizations – developing a culture of safety (Spike Lobdell, president of New England Science and Sailing Foundation)
– Welcome to special guests Carmen & Emma Cowles, who were recently named as US Sailing’s 2018 Rolex Yachtswomen of the Year.
– Creating lifetime sailors: a sailing revolution is underway; how are leading organizations responding (Nick Hayes, author of the book Saving Sailing)
– Creating excitement about youth team racing at your program (Lauren Kemp, rear commodore at Orient Yacht Club)
– Expanding access to enhanced big boat sailing activity for juniors in the Long Island Sound region (Peter Becker, president of Young American Sailing Academy).
After the meeting ends, stay for the optional lunch and discussion guided by Nick Hayes to share program design ideas with other junior program leaders.
An important benefit of coming to this meeting is the people you will rub shoulders with during breaks, or find yourself sitting next to during the optional lunch that follows the meeting. Club representatives are all welcome, including Flag Officers, Junior Program Delegates, Chairs, Sailing Committees, Program Directors and Head Instructors. If you are an experienced program leader, bring along a new member from your junior committee or an enthusiastic parent volunteer to spread knowledge within your club’s junior program leadership. Register them online at this link.