Celebrate Our 100th Year

JSA 100 year logo with images of small sailboats

During 2024, the Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound will celebrate its 100th birthday, and we are inviting you to join in our year-long celebration!

In April 1924, representatives from Huguenot, Larchmont, Pequot and Stamford yacht clubs gathered to form the Junior Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound (JYRA LIS). In the 1990s we changed our name to the Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound (JSA LIS). Today the JSA of LIS is proud to have 44 member programs that serve over 2,300 junior sailors.

This what we’d like you to know about JSA’s 100th year celebration:

We’re Having A Reunion Party!
Toast Junior Sailing Days, Visit, Dine, and Dance at our 100th Year Celebration Party at Larchmont Yacht Club on Saturday, July 27th, 6-10 pm. Former juniors who are 21 yrs +,  junior sailing parents, instructors, and program volunteers are all welcome to take part in the fun. Only a few days remain until the party, so please reserve your place now, so we may be ready to welcome you on July 27 through the Eventbrite link on the 100 Years party page: https://jsalis.org/100party

We Want to Gather & Share Memories:
For our 100th Birthday, we want to gather and share your great memories of junior sailing on Long Island Sound. Your favorite sailing stories, whether when you were sailing at home or at regattas. Any and all memorable moments. Memories can be in the form of written stories or anecdotes; photos; even videos. Whatever you choose to share with us, please send them along via the link in the 100 Years web page: https://jsalis.org/100years

We Want to Stay In Touch:
We will be sharing these memories and other important news related to our 100th Birthday via a new Facebook Group (100 Years of JSA/JYRALIS), our Facebook page (JSA of LIS) and our Instagram profile (@JSAofLIS). To assure you receive periodic emails about JSA/JYRA Birthday News in the coming year, please opt-in via the email list update form on the 100 Years web page.

We’re Going to Have an Alumni Regatta.
Earlier on the same day as the Party (July 27th), we will hold an Alumni Regatta sailing in Ideal 18 keelboats provided by Larchmont Yacht Club.  View the regatta details and enter on Clubspot.

We Ask You to Spread the News.
The JSA/JYRA may have been around 100 years, but we have not been able to keep in touch with everyone. Please share this email with your friends and invite them to stay connected with our special community of former and current junior sailors, families and program staff and volunteers.

We’ve got gear!
Celebrate the centennial with hats, polos, t-shirts, and more, all with the centennial logo via our site at TeamOne Newport .

Use the 100 Year Logos and Flyer
– Each JSA member junior sailing program may contribute to our 100th Year Celebration by incorporating the 100 Year Logo into the graphic design for the gear used for your instructors and students, and for regattas that your program may host.  Two styles of the logo are available for download by using this link.
– A letter-sheet flyer is also available at the above link to print as a handout or a poster. The flyer image may also be used as an illustration in a publication distributed to your organization’s membership.

It is going to be a great 100th Birthday Celebration. And we look forward to all of you being a part of it.