Summary of May 21 Town Hall Meeting


The virtual town hall meeting on May 21 was well attended by over 90 persons.

The meeting summary is now available here.

Included in the summary are these topics:

– COVID-19 Risk Mitigation for Junior Programs, including the Q & A discussion and a link to the slides presented

– Modified regatta format suggestions, including a link to the descriptive email that was sent after the meeting.

To help continue the dialog that began at the meeting, JSA has rescheduled the JSA Spring Meeting for the evening of June 8, and it will also use the virtual format.

In addition, a new forum is now available on Google Groups. If you wish to add to the knowledge about a question that was discussed during the meeting, or ask a new question about managing in the COVID-19 environment, please participate in the “JSA of LIS Program Forum Discussions” at this link. If you did not received a separate email inviting you to access the forum, you may request access within Google Groups.