Make Your Nomination for the JSA of LIS 2018 Special Awards
Annually the JSA of LIS awards several special trophies that celebrate people who are strong role models among the sailors and instructors at JSA member junior sailing programs.
The JSA special awards are the Brooke Gonzalez, Susie Trotman and Mitchell Weeks trophies.
Please submit your club’s nominations for the 2018 season by midnight on September 23, using the online survey links below. Nominations may come from sailors, parents and club junior program instructors/leaders.

2017 JSA Special Awardees: Spencer Kriegstein, Lauren Stewart, Maddie Ploch, Will O’Leary and Will Dumke
Here are some nominating tips for the JSA special awards:
– Ask yourself, “Who stands out in my mind from 2018 in these categories?”
*Sportsmanlike sailing in C420, Laser Standard or Radial (Weeks award), or
*Outstanding sailing instruction (Trotman award), or
*Young woman dedicated to the sport of sailing, with outstanding sailing achievements (Gonzalez award)
– Does a name quickly pop up? Jot it down! Think again for another deserving person in a different category.
– Review your club’s junior program awards list for possible nominees. Ask other committee members and experienced instructors to suggest a candidate for each award.
– Keep in mind your nominee’s behavior over the entire season, not just a single regatta or situation.
– In a brief summary of why you believe your nominee deserves the recognition, please include specific examples showing how they meet the criteria for each award. No supporting letters from other sources are needed; just write what you personally know about your nominee.
– Fill out the online survey forms to submit your nominations by midnight on September 23.
This trophy is awarded to the instructor or coach who has consistently provided outstanding sailing instruction and training. Use this online link for your nomination.
This trophy is awarded to a junior woman who demonstrates sportsmanship, exceptional ethical behavior and dedication to the sport of sailing, and outstanding achievement in sailing competition. Use this online link for your nomination.
This trophy is awarded to junior sailors who are respected for exceptional sportsmanship in the Club 420 (skipper or crew), Laser and Laser Radial classes. These sailors always use good clean racing and skill, no matter if it’s win, lose or draw, and you’re left thinking they are good people to race against. Use this online link for your nomination.
In addition, US Sailing has its own special awards for individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the sport of sailing. So consider making nominations on the US Sailing website.