March 5, 2025 | by JSA Office
JSA of LIS Midwinter Meeting 2025
The JSA of LIS Midwinter Meeting was held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the Beach Point Club, Mamaroneck NY.
The resources from the meeting may be viewed at this link, including the agenda, video recordings, slides, handouts and a meeting feedback form.
The meeting agenda included:
- JSA UPDATES AND INITIATIVES: a short introduction about JSA business with reports from the JSA board chairperson, treasurer, and executive director.
- PROGRAMMING IDEAS FROM the SAILING LEADERSHIP FORUM: members of the JSA Board, including Alim Gafar, Bob Whittredge, Tim Clark, and Kevin Broome described their top take-aways from the February 2025 US Sailing Leadership Forum at which 430 sailing leaders from across the country gathered to share ideas and best practices.
- RECRUITING NEW SAILORS: discussion led by JSA board members Vanessa Caporrino (former Jr. Program Chair at Pequot YC) and Kevin Broome (Sailing Director at American YC and member of US Sailing’s National Faculty) exploring strategies to attract young people and maintain their interest as they grow and develop their sailing skills.
- IMPROVING & LEARNING: breakout discussions coordinated by Tim Clark, JSA Board Chair, dealing with three topics: 1. How Can the JSA Better Support Your Junior Program; 2. What Can We Learn From Other Sports; and 3. How Can We Better Serve the Parents of Our Junior Sailors.
Additional informal networking occurred during the optional lunch that followed the morning sessions.