2024 Larchmont Junior Race Week

by Erin Wojdaszka, JSA Communications Manager 

The week of July 14, 2024 Larchmont YC held its Junior Race Week that included three days of junior sailors racing Fevas, Club 420s, and ILCAs.  It is true in sailing when they compare having wind to either a feast or famine, meaning you have either nothing or blowing 15-20 knots.  Last year LYC struggled to get races off for their junior race week because there was no wind.  This year they were able to get in three days of good racing: although they had hot humid temperatures, they had wind blowing 5-10 knots throughout the three days.  On Tuesday the juniors enjoyed hanging with friends and swimming while they waited for the breeze to fill in.  They were finally able to get out on the water and get in a few races mid afternoon.  

After talking with the competitors on Tuesday, it seemed like Monday was a great day of racing and they were looking forward to getting in a few more races before the big dance Tuesday night.  The racers competing at LYC seemed to be a mix of returning competitors and some new racers joining in from the surrounding clubs for the first time.  Across all three days the race committee was able to get in a total of 5- 6 races depending on the fleet.

On Tuesday Feva competitors Gavin and Mark said, “ We are excited to get back out there today and hopefully do better.  We finished in the first few places in the races on Monday, but we want to do better today.” Another pair of racers sailing a C420 said, “ They finished middle of the pack on Monday and hope to improve their starts today and hopefully finish closer to the first.”

All around the racers had a great week during Larchmont Race week, see the results of the first three days click here

As for LYC’s Opti Day they had a little less luck with the wind.  For the Blue and White fleets they only were able to get in 2 races and the Red fleet was able to get in 3.  For the results of the Opti Day click here