2024 Noroton Yacht Club’s Pineapple Cup

written by Erin Wojdaszka, JSA Communication Manager

On August 2, 2024 Noroton Yacht Club hosted their 3rd annual Pineapple Cup for the Optimist Green Fleet sailors.  Noroton hosts this regatta as a low key fun regatta for the Opti Green fleet racers.  Noroton runs this regatta just like any other regatta following the JSA rules, but with an added layer of fun including an ice cream truck after the event.  All the racers arrived between 8am-9:15am to check-in and rig their boats.  Six different clubs were in attendance with at least one or more competitors. The racers launched their boats and tied them up to the far dock and made their way to the patio for the skippers meeting.  The racing area was approximately one-half mile south of G “1” at the entrance to Noroton Harbor.  Despite having light wind, harbor start was not delayed, with the thought that it would be best to get the kids out there and try to get in a few races before the wind builds.   

One of the regatta chairs started off the skippers meeting by explaining the rules, and how the day’s events will run.  She explained that the competitors will be towed out of the harbor.  Tony Weiner, Principal Fun Officer  (PFO) was introduced and went through the triangle course and showed the racers the marks that they will see on the course.  It is common when watching Green fleet Opti races, you might see similar  marks being used.  Along the Long Island coast many clubs will use a narwhal for mark one (upwind mark), then they sail to a lizard as the  leeward mark 2, and downwind to the donut mark 3, and back through the finish line.

After Tony went through all the marks, he then explained, “ You will hear a series of attention signals will be made before the beginning of each starting sequence.”  Tony also gave examples of the different signals the racers will hear, so kids can get a feel for the starting signals.  The Race Committee decided to do a three minute start sequence. 

After the skippers meetings the kids were very excited to get to their boats and get started.  Despite the light wind, many sailors were able to sail off the dock.  After getting in three races the Green fleet came in, had lunch, ice cream, and swam.  Then they had their award ceremony to end the day.