2024 JSA Feva Champs

written by Erin Wojdaszka, JSA Communication Manager

Stamford Yacht Club hosted the 2024 JSA Feva Champs on July 26th and 27th.   Regatta Chairs Sophia Gould and Charlotte LeClue were asked if they would take on planning the JSA Feva Champs, and they were happy to help.  Sophia and Charlotte have both been involved with junior sailing at Stamford Yacht Club since they were little and couldn’t be more willing to jump in and volunteer to plan this regatta.  Both young women said, “This was a great experience and we are happy to help plan such a fun event.”  They  checked in the competitors on Friday morning,  gave shirts, stickers, and made sure the skipper’s meeting got underway as scheduled.  Charlotte said, “ We were lucky to have a very experienced race committee and Principal Race Officer, John Troy.”  

The weather on Friday was great, but there was quite a bit of breeze, which allowed them to get in a few races, but there were some safety concerns around one boat and there were also several other boats that capsized during some of the races on Friday.  In talking with one of the members of the safety boats, they followed their safety plan and plans were put right into place when the injury happened.  After attending a few different regattas this summer, it seems protocol  for many yacht clubs to have a safety plan in place prior to the start of the event and all members of the safety team are given important numbers that they can use to call and request help either on land or on the water. 

The race committee was able to get in 4 races on Friday and 2 races on Saturday.  Saturday morning was a more typical day out on theLong Island Sound, with little air at the beginning of harbor start.  Race committee kept the harbor start at 9:45am in an attempt to get the racers out on the water, and wait for the breeze to fill in.  The competitors sailed out through the channel and past the breakwater  Once they were out of the harbor,  they tied up with coach boats and swam or some practiced putting their spinnaker up.  The race committee decided to move a little more south  to find a more steady breeze.  The start of the first race seemed to be calm and the waves seemed to build into the second race.  Race committee acted quickly once the breeze filled in and set the marks and started the first race.    

Before the race started on Saturday I was able to catch up with Gavin Manegio and Mark Wermuth from Noroton.  Both boys have competed in a few regattas this summer at a variety of clubs.  They both said, “We feel like we did well yesterday and came in 1st and 2nd places in most races.  We want to try and finish in the top 2 places today, but it will be harder with less wind.”  Competitors Lily Condlin and Louisa Kiley from Stamford Yacht Club discussed with Coach Lawerence what to change for today’s races because they ended up getting stuck on the right side of the course and couldn’t catch any clean air yesterday.” Lily said, “We are hoping today to stay in the middle of the course or with the pack so we can try and finish in the top 3 today.” 

Race committee changed up the course on Saturday, setting up a triangular course, instead of the windward and leeward course.  On Saturday the competitors tacked up to the windward mark and after rounding the embark, they all flew their spinnakers down wind and around the 2nd mark towards the third mark.  The third leg of the course was a little more challenging than the first part of the course as the wind died a little bit and there were more waves knocking them about.  The racers did well and were able to get a 2nd race in before heading in for a fun afternoon on the Stamford YC lawn, with raffles and activities before awards.  ZSails is sponsored two sail bags that were raffled at the awards ceremony. 


To see the results of the JSA Champs please click here