Course Syllabus Description: In response to ongoing concerns about inconsistent teaching standards and resources for the navigation training of the junior sailors in the Big Boat program, the JSA developed a high quality and complete navigation/seamanship syllabus. This syllabus can be used as a text for a standard classroom setting. A copy of the course may be viewed as a PDF (or printed: 144 pages long, so recommend printing double-sided the specific pages you want to study).


Basic Navigation online test is described here and is taken by all junior sailors and their instructor advisors on each yacht. Getting at least a 70% passing grade on the Basic test is a prerequisite for admittance to the Advanced Navigation Contest.


The Advanced Navigation Contest is a sit-down chart plotting session that is scheduled in late July at three sites, Stamford, Beach Point and Manhasset Bay yacht clubs, as described at this link on the JSA calendar for 2024. A minimum of three junior crewmembers (the navigator plus two other juniors) and the instructor advisors on each yacht will participate.