The Navigation Course system is having a problem sending the emails that usually confirm self-registration of new users, or reset a password for existing users.


The JSA office can help you overcome this technical email issue.


New Users:
– Fill out the form for a new user at >> Sign Up
– Write down the new username (all lowercase) and password you created.
– Select the club junior big boat program you are in this summer.
– Click on Create My New Account and you will receive a system error message, which you may ignore.
– Request activation of your new account by emailing your first and last name, your big boat program name and the email used for the account, to the JSA office
– Your Navigation Course account will be activated within a few hours after receiving your request.


Forgot Existing Password:
– Existing users may request a new password by emailing your first and last name, and email used for the account, to the JSA office
– Your Navigation Course password will be reset within a few hours after receiving your request.