The following is a guide for Program Chairs, Head Instructors and Event Organizers:
Any club providing housing for junior sailors should expect those sailors to be accompanied by an instructor.
Instructors with junior sailors who are receiving housing should:
- Be responsible for the conduct of his/her group during the racing day, from launching to the end of protest hearings. (Instructors need to be compensated for overtime duty.)
- Be housed or stay locally, providing the Housing Chairman with a phone number where he/she can be reached in case of emergency.
- If being housed, obey the house rules of the host family.
Sailors being housed should:
- Know that assigned housing must be used and stated curfews obeyed.
- Attend any scheduled dinners and social events or remain at their host’s home with the consent of and under the supervision of their host.
- Obey any “house rules” set by their host.
- Express appreciation for hospitality provided by their host family.
Host families should:
- Provide breakfast.
- Provide an appropriate adult-chaperoned environment for junior sailors.
- Make their “house rules” clear.
- Be familiar with and adhere to regatta rules.
- Drive sailors to and from the regatta site, understanding that instructors are not permitted to drive sailors.
- Notify the regatta committee of any problems.