Mission Statement

“The Mission of the Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound is to support junior sailors at member programs and to encourage them to experience the joy of sailing and learn about and appreciate the complexities of the marine environment.

The JSA promotes ethical behavior among its sailors and encourages the teaching of life-long lessons which seek to build character, foster teamwork and strengthen respect for self and others.

Through its programs and policies, the JSA seeks to support both serious competitors and recreational sailors at all levels of skill and to encourage their sailing in local waters and beyond.
The Junior Sailing Association of Long Island Sound supports its member junior sailing programs through leadership, training, communication and event-scheduling. Its member programs are sponsored by yacht, sailing, beach and shore clubs, associations, and youth and community organizations. The programs are located on tidewater in Connecticut or New York.

Founded in 1924 and incorporated in the State of New York in 1958, the JSA of LIS is an independent, non-profit corporation that is tax-exempt under Sect ion 501 (C) (3) of the US Internal Revenue Code, and also in the State of New York. The JSA is governed by a Board of Directors elected by representatives from its member programs (See By-Laws).

The JSA is a member of US SAILING and US SAILING’s Area B Council. The Board of Directors of the JSA also serves as the Junior Sailing Committee of the Yacht Racing Association of Long Island Sound (YRALIS).

Activities of the JSA


Schedules, promotes, and monitors training clinics, regattas, contests, and meets, which are run by Member Clubs including the YRALIS Association Championships
Determines eligibility criteria, regatta conduct standards, safety practices, and sailboat classes to be raced – Optimist, Blue Jay, Pixel, Laser, Laser Radial and Club 420
Awards Championship, season, and special-event prizes
Encourages joint events and special-instruction pooling by small groups of neighboring Programs

This page has information and resources of use in managing programs.  It contains handouts (when available) from JSA meetings, regatta entry forms, users guides for the online database, the worksheet required to advise JSA of your member families, and so on.  The best way to download these documents is to right-click on the document icon below and select ‘Save Target As…’ in the location of your choice. You may also click on the icon to open the document and then save it. If you have problems downloading files, please email info@jsalis.org to request the form.

Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified Rating
Name Downloads Version Owner Last Modified Rating
   Regatta Templates and Forms
   Midwinter meeting handouts
   Code of Conduct Forms
   Big boat regatta entry and MOB forms
   Best Practices Knowledgebase
   Online Registration
   Training Material
3268 downloads 1.0.1484850631 19-01-2017 14:30
1070 downloads 1.0 22-04-2016 13:27
715 downloads 1.0 JSALIS 15-04-2015 5:42
803 downloads 1.0 JSALIS 15-04-2015 5:41
2143 downloads 1.0 JSALIS 15-04-2015 5:41
2207 downloads 1.0 JSALIS 15-04-2015 5:40